
Don’t queue blind!

Know who you’re playing with, and get all the help you need with Porofessor, used by over one of summoners!

Game chacacter


Feature image

Player Tags & Team Tags

Know everyone's play styles
including your team comps as well!
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In-game Analytics

See how you fare vagainst other players in your elo, all live while in-match
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Post Match Analytics

Get a detailed post match breakdown, to see what to keep and where to improve

Using Porofessor in 3 Steps

Download Porofessor

You can get it securely for free
by using the button below

Install the App

Double-click on the installer
and let us take care of the rest

Start Your Match

Porofessor will automatically
launch once you enter a match!

Reach the rank you deserve with Porofessor!

Install Porofessor & Reach The Rank You Deserve!

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Built on Overwolf

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Overwolf is an epic apps platform for PC games. It’s easy, free and used by millions of gamers